Monday, April 19, 2010


The beach two minutes walk from my home in Kristiansand.  Not the same as the beach in Pensacola, but there are bikinis here in the summer.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The view looking out from the starting point of the grand quest. Where will it lead? How much of a BUM will I become? I will tell you one thing. I will be as bad as I can get away with being and go to the far reaches of the world.
Next you will see the rocky shore of the fjord about two minutes down the hill from my home just outside of Kristiansand, Norway.
Kristiansand, Norway has a beach. Not the place most thought this would start from in the world, but where it is beginning from never the less. My home here is overlooking a fjord and has quite a beautiful view. There is a rocky beach less than two minutes walk. Not the place that beach bums dream of, but a beach. My journey to discover the world's beaches will begin here, and end who knows where. Follow along and see.

I will write about the places that I visit, and the sights, views, and sounds of Beach Life from around the world. I will write about great places to eat, to drink, and make merry. There will be photos and videos that will give the feeling of the locals surrounding the beaches as well. Join the QUEST!